Well Water Services
At Hunter Plumbing, water wells are a serious business! We provide many services to keep your well functioning properly and maintained for the health and safety of your family.
Did you know…
There are an estimated 75,000 wells in Ontario
Most well owners neglect to test their well regularly, leading to several health problems due to contaminants such as bacteria
Your well water should be tested at least 3 times a year for contaminants such as coliforms and E.coli. For information on bacteria testing, visit your local health unit.
We are Licensed by the Ministry of Environment and members of the Ontario Ground Water Association.
Our services include:
Well inspections
Water Testing
Well Cleaning
Repairs & Maintenance
Well Upgrades
Well Decommissioning
Water Treatment
Water Well Drilling
Water Pumps: sales & service
Pressure Tanks
Well Hookups
Smelly or discoloured water?
There are several problems that can be associated with water wells. If you are experiencing any issues with the smell, colour or taste of your water, it is best to get it tested for hardness, iron & sulphur content. Any well water can be treated with the proper equipment. Hunter Plumbing provides water testing services as well as water treatment sales, service & installations.
Low water pressure? Pump constantly running? Or no water at all?
Whether the pump or pressure tank needs to be adjusted or replaced, or your well needs to be cleaned, there is no problem too big or small for Hunter Plumbing. We also offer 24/7 on-call services after hours and on the weekend.

Advice for home buyers
When making that all-important decision of buying a home, check if there is a water well on the property. If the well is active, have both the water and the condition of the well inspected by one of Hunter Plumbing’s licensed well technician before making the purchase. If the well is inactive, it will need to be decommissioned as per the Ministy of Environment regulations. Our team of licensed well technicians can thoroughly inspect, service and decommission your well to ensure you and your family are protected from bacteria and other contaminants that could enter your well.